"Je n'ai pas vécu la liberté, mais je l'ai écrite sur les murs" (la révolution syrienne)


With Syria

With Syria has 2 articles published.


Liberté pour les prisonniers syriens, Freedom for Syrian prisoners!

in Révolution/Vidéos by

“The withdrawal of Assad has ceased to be a priority” – is repeated in the European as well as International Summits. Some like Emmanuel Macron even dare to specify that they do not deny Assad’s crimes against humanity and that maybe one day they’ll demand accountability for those crimes. In this terrible moment when democracies define that a bloodthirsty dictator is unavoidable, we are not only walking on the graves of those who have been killed by the tormentor – but the words and actions of those politicians burry alive the revolutionaries.

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Paris with Syria

in Révolution/Vidéos by

La révolution n’est pas morte. Et de par le monde, son message s’est diffusé, parfois au hasard, comme ces balles de ping-pong recouvertes de mots pour la liberté qui dévalaient les rues syriennes dès 2011. Tant que les messages continueront à dévaler les rues, il y aura quelqu’un pour les ramasser et les renvoyer. 

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